Areas of Practice

Executive and Leadership Performance Coaching for Individuals


We support the transformation you seek to create. We partner with you to uncover your goals and build a path of action. We support and challenge you at any stage of your life and professional journey.

Culture Development for Teams and Organizations


We believe that integrating Culture and Strategy is essential. We help you build and refine an inclusive and creative culture for sustainable growth. We help leaders develop the culture necessary to unleash new possibilities. We use proven approaches to match your needs. We are certified by Denison Consulting, the OCAI Cultural Survey, Vertical Development, and Leadership Circle Collective Assessments.

Seeing with a Leadership Assessment


We use proven quantitative or qualitative approaches customized to your needs. For example, we will conduct a Leadership Circle 360, a Polarity KPI, or an Adult Development Interview to help you see and open new opportunities.

Change Management for Individuals and Teams


We will support you in creating the change you want and building effective strategies. We use proven business and organizational approaches.

Polarity Management


Complex situations often require balancing “And-thinking” and “Or-thinking.” We use Polarity Management, working in collaboration with Andiron, to help you find a sustainable path forward.

Culture and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion


Diversity creates energy and reveals unseen paradigms and possibilities. Teams that can build upon diverse perspectives thrive in complex, rapidly changing contexts. We will help shape your actions towards a more diverse and inclusive culture.

Strategy and Insights Consulting


We use our extensive experience to help you shape your business strategy enlightened by consumer and marketplace insights.